We allow admins to visit any room they choose. Although accepting a hat in goodtimes means you agree not to hat in other karaoke rooms, R rated rooms or A rated rooms. Any harassing of admins to join another room as admin maybe considered an attempt to hurt the room and they may be banned.
What you put in your glass is a private matter please do not boast or glorify drugs or alcohol. We do not want to encourage it as we are G rated. Thanks
We want to thank all our room managers and staff for a wonderful job, 24 hours a day. We feel Goodtimes best days are in our future, and we are enjoying every minute of sharing it with our friends and guests here in Goodtimes studio.
You are more than welcome to block any unwanted messages. We do ask that you keep your comments to other guests respectful in room text. Any issues should be dealt with an individual in a pm and not in the room.
If a guest or admin removes or blocks you off their list it is a private and personal paltalk matter. Bringing this matter into room text breaks the rules, you will be warned only once! No one should not be forced to add each other, thanks for understanding
We ask all guests and admins block any unwanted messages. A red dot or bounce does not fix the problem therefore it is not a admin issue, however there may be some situations where a ban is in order, you should contact a room manager to request a ban
We always have some admins that when they don't get their own way or are rude to guests, have their admin status removed, then they try to pull as many admins as they can away from our room. Pulling admins away from the room is a bannable offense and should be reported. Our real, loyal staff should not fall into this childish behaviour.
Roomies abbreviating example (ffs, lmao and wwtv) should be only warned in a polite manner unless the text is directed at another roomie in a rude manner example (wtf you think you are).
This is an English text room only. We ask that you warn the person politely to use English text only and if they continue, please just dot them, DO NOT bounce. (There is no crime in not being able speak english)
If you feel there is a non G rated name in room please red dot ONLY and request a ban from current room leader or manager if the person refuses change nick, DO NOT BOUNCE
We do not threaten nor create drama around issuing a red dot, if a roomie is behaving inappropriately, please simply dot them. You may then explain why they were dotted.
We appreciate all who join the queue to sing or spin a tune. However, we ask that you keep chatting on mic to a minimum and definitely DO NOT discuss any admin business or any issues on mic. These are private matters and NOT for everyone to hear, please take any concerns to a pm. Let’s keep the room fun!
Mic jumpers DO NOT bounce - red dot, no warning needed. (Use good judgement if it is a steady roomie chances are it was an accident, please investigate.) They may then be placed in the ban box to prevent further jumping in another nick.
Reminder, there is a 6 minute time limit on all songs on mic. When there are more than 10 hands the limit is 5 minutes. Thank all who take the mic, we hope you understand we need to keep the queue moving.
Only the host and room leader should red dot mic jumpers. All other admins should watch the room for misconduct.
When a person on mic is red dotted for breaking, sound issues, or song may not be G rated, or song runs over time limit please remove red dot immediately (any admin can assist and remove the dot) this is not considered removing another admins dot because this person has not misbehaved.
Please remember we are live on 2 radio stations so we do not want dead air time. We do not allow "rap", no "acapella", and no "heavy metal". Please make sure our guests keep their tunes G-rated.
As long as tune is not distorted it IS okay to spin a loud tune. Please try to notify the person that tune is distorted and to lower sound in a whisper, do not red dot them unless they just seem to keep playing a distorted tune so that we do not embarrass them.
Please understand if an admin is handling a current situation, please allow that admin to handle it and do not complicate the situation with a red dot or bounce, allow the current admin to do their job, a guest may feel "teamed up" on and this may harm the rooms image.
If dot is for breaking or distorted music and not for disciplinary reasons, please assist and remove dot (that’s called teamwork).
When an admin warns a person with a red dot it’s official. If the person does it again they cannot claim they did nothing wrong, this can lead to a bounce or ban. There is no reason to ignore an admins fair warning.
Please do not complain about another admin. If you have a concern regarding another admin, please bring it to the attention of a room manager. We will then address the matter in private. We would like to prevent any ill feelings or drama and thank you for your co-operation with this matter. Please do not bounce a person that has already been dotted by another admin. The admin that issued the dot should pm the person concerned and deal with the situation themselves or seek a second opinion from a manager.
We ask that you do not use admin whispers to ask questions about a room situation. We ask that you private message the room manager to discuss the situation. If you're unsure of the room policy it may be better to do nothing and let another admin handle it. It may be better to do nothing than to discipline someone unfairly
The main purpose and function of a host is to influence singers and musicians, their help is important to room and to get their hand up again. A host that has a lot hands up is a good host, plain and simple.
The room host represents the room and should try not to discuss room business - such as bad behaviour of roomies or fellow admins on mic, this way they will not appear unfriendly. A room host should not bring room drama to the mic, personal whispers, and long discussions of admin rules - remember the singers don’t want to hear a host who is annoyed. A host should not echo a person’s name over and over again on mic, call person 1 time clearly on mic, wait few seconds, if they do not answer move on to next. Please do not become annoyed if people do not answer, pal is not a perfect program and has many glitches. Should a person not answer after 3 separate calls, lower their hand and make them wait the entire rotation again.
We ask that you do not discipline or give advice on room rules whilst on mic. Room leaders and other admins will be watching the room, we ask that you remain focused on hosting and on those guests waiting patiently in line the host should be friendly not disciplinary.
Please understand uncontrolled bouncing causes a lot of drama in the room. We would like to ask admins to please limit bouncing to 3 reasons only.
(1) Harassing an admin
(2) Naked cam
(3) Attacking a singer’s voice or person on cam.
All others can be handled with a red dot. Any question please contact one of the managers.
If a guest is rude to an admin in a private message, they are not to be bounced. They may, however, be banned. If you would like to request a ban please notify a room manager for assistance. If they feel it is worthy request they will place the ban.
NUDITY ON CAM: Nudity is the only reason bounce a cam! Cleavage and men with no shirts (head and shoulders only are G rated) - cams should only be red dotted. If they refuse to point the cam at their face and shoulders only dot them. Dark cams are G rated - please only bounce nude cams
A room leader is someone that a manager appoints among the admins (room leaders are, unless specified, temporary and do change from time to time). unless appointed by room owner. Please feel free to use admin whispers to ask who the room leader is at the time.
Please understand the hardest part of being an admin in Goodtimes is getting along with other admins. We are looking for admins who are people friendly and whose goals are the same as the room owners (to attract more guests to the room and make a bigger and better room)
Please do not bounce a person that has already been dotted by another admin. The admin that issued the dot should pm the person concerned and deal with the situation themselves or seek a second opinion from a manager. We ask that you do not use admin whispers to discuss the situation.
Admins should never allow personal issues to affect their judgement in a red dot or a bounce. If the person was rude to you in proceeding days and you see them enter the room, you must not bounce or red dot them because of "prior behaviour". (Any room actions must be based on rule violations at that time, and not from a day or two before).
Any complaint of another admins conduct must be reported in a private manner (private whisper or message) to one of the room managers or a room leader appointed at the time. They will handle the complaint as they see fit. If you do not like the outcome see room owner (admin decisions are to be respected by all - including fellow admins).
A direct refusal to listen to a room manager is grounds for an admins dismissal. Admins should not refuse to add a room manager to his list or refuse contact.
Admins failing to use their hat over 21 days without notifying a room shift manager can have their hats removed.
Admins please wear hat anytime day or night, we do not want to force you wear it but please do as often as you can thank you.
We, as admins, allow messaging in room, if we get complaints we ask a guest to change their privacy settings or block the person - messaging is a Paltalk issue and not a room matter. A reminder that a red dot will not stop a person from sending a private message regardless. Please do not bounce, if you consider this person to be rude or ignorant, contact the room leader or management.
Please remember we are a chat room, we love music and fun, and nice friends. We ask PLEASE DO NOT DIRECT YOUR JOKE AT ROOMIES IN AN OFFENSIVE MANNER or you may be asked to apologise or perhaps other action will be taken.
Please do not badmouth other room guests in admin whisper, please do not challenge admin decisions in admin whisper, it is not a platform for open room debates or votes.
We ask roomies to respect each other. If you have a complaint on another guest, please notify an admin in private to handle the problem, there is no reason for a guest to argue or be rude to one another.
These guidelines are not perfect we ask all admins to please use your best judgement. If a guideline or a situation confuses you it is okay to ask in whisper "who is shift manager or room leader". Contact them for advice, please keep the matter private and do not use admin whisper.
Please if you have any advice or want to share ideas to improve the room contact a room manager or a shift manager
We appreciate you all
Thanks from Goodtimes Management Staff